Welcome to the safe haven for healing, reflection and growth, through empowerment coaching, energy healing and soul restoration.
At this time of chaos, cataclysms and confusion in the world, many people are being thrown out of alignment as the nature of the system that governs it is being starkly revealed to us.
Many are seeking a way to get back to an inner place of peace as they weather these storms during this time. The mind is unable to lead us to the truth of the heart, only the heart can do that.
To open the heart we require a key and that key is buried beneath the false programs and untruths that keep us from knowing our true sovereign power.
"Learning to forgive, trust and love the divine aspect of self is the dance".


Soul Alignment Coaching

How Coaching Works

Your Coaching Sessions
The session is not to be considered as psychotherapy or counselling, nor should it be used as a substitute for legal, financial, or medical services. Any decisions the client makes and the consequences thereof are their own. Under no circumstances can the client hold the coach liable for any actions that the client takes. The client should always seek the advice of their licensed physician, pharmacist, or other qualified health care provider prior to commencing any treatment for any conditions, diseases or maladies and questions in relation to such treatment should be directed to such professional health care providers. The client should never disregard their professional medical advice or delay in seeking such advice because of information obtained from the coach