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Mp4, Mp3, pdf Transcript

🌈 Recorded LIVE, 23rd June 2021


Breathing into relaxation, creating a column of light that connects to North and South Star Relax and apply earphones fill with light and circulate around the whole body to allow for stillness and rest,

Allow all infinite possibility and create your biggest dream.



Breathing into relaxation, creating a column of light that connects to North and South Star to ground and to lift. Fill with light and circulate around the whole body to allow for stillness and rest. Be counted down into the ground beneath and allow the astral body to float. Receive all that you are worth. Allow all infinite possibility and create your biggest dream. Receive gifts, see what you need to see and hear any messages that you need to hear. Subliminal Light Language healing codes.



Start by taking a nice deep breath in and breathing out. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. And one more time, in through the nose and out through the mouth. And as you breathe out, relax the shoulders…….”

Manifesting New Earth

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